
History of "Beaune Guided Walking Tour (private)"


All Changes

Version 24 – December 03, 2024 13:13

Current Version
Previous Version

Tier ages
  • ---
  • adult:
  • from: '13'
  • to: '99'
  • child:
  • from: '4'
  • to: '12'
  • ---
  • adult:
  • from: '18'
  • to: '64'
  • child:
  • from: '5'
  • to: '11'

Version 23 – October 04, 2024 09:13

Current Version
Previous Version

Short Description
  • Suivez une visite guidée privée à pied avec un guide agréé, expert de la ville de Beaune. Aujourd'hui, nous viendrons vous chercher à votre hôtel ou hébergement à Beaune. Si vous venez de l'extérieur de la ville, nous pré-programmerons un point de rendez-vous situé au centre-ville.
  • Rencontrez votre guide agréé anglophone accrédité pour conduire des visites guidées dans les villes historiques, les musées et les monuments et grâce aux histoires fascinantes et aux anecdotes locales, vous découvrirez Beaune de manière ludique et informative.
  • - Visite guidée privée au pied de Beaune de 2 heures
  • - Visite facultative des Hospices de Beaune
  • - Dégustation facultative de vins de Bourgogne
  • - Terminez la visite dans le centre de Beaune
  • Follow a private guided walking tour with a licensed guide, expert of the town of Beaune. Today, we will come and pick you up at your hotel or accommodation in Beaune. If you are traveling from outside the city, we will pre-program a centrally located meeting point.
  • Meet your English speaking licensed guide who is accredited to conduct guided tours in historical towns, museums and monuments and thanks to the fascinating stories and local anecdotes you will discover Beaune in a fun & informative way.
  • - 2-hour private guided walking tour of Beaune
  • - Optional visit of the Hospices de Beaune
  • - Optional wine tasting session of Burgundy wines
  • - End the tour in the center of Beaune

  • Suivez une visite guidée privée à pied avec un guide agréé, expert de la ville de Beaune. Aujourd'hui, nous viendrons vous chercher à votre hôtel ou hébergement à Beaune. Si vous venez de l'extérieur de la ville, nous pré-programmerons un point de rendez-vous situé au centre-ville.
  • Rencontrez votre guide agréé anglophone accrédité pour conduire des visites guidées dans les villes historiques, les musées et les monuments et grâce aux histoires fascinantes et aux anecdotes locales, vous découvrirez Beaune de manière ludique et informative.
  • Commencez ensuite votre visite guidée à pied de 2 heures dans Beaune. Découvrez comment la ville s'est construite du Moyen-Âge à nos jours et admirez le patrimoine qui rappelle les grandes heures de Beaune avec notamment la Collégiale Notre Dame en passant par les remparts de la ville.
  • Un peu d'Histoire
  •                                                                                L'origine de la ville de Beaune remonte au 1er siècle avant Jésus-Christ, lorsque les Romains décidèrent de construire une fortification qui se trouvait au carrefour de deux de leurs voies les plus importantes. L'une reliait la ville de Lyon à Trèves (Allemagne) et l'autre la ville de Besançon à Autun. La ville est devenue prospère au 12e siècle grâce au commerce du vin et son aire urbaine s'étend hors des murs du château, érigeant des remparts encore visibles aujourd'hui.
  • La ville était alors capitale du duché de Bourgogne et le premier parlement bourguignon se réunit à Beaune en 1227. Au Moyen-Age, la ville s'organise alors autour de trois lieux majeurs : la place du Marché (aujourd'hui place de la Halle ), la collégiale Notre Dame (ancien centre historique de la ville) et la place Carnot où se trouvait autrefois l'église paroissiale.
  • Les rues de Beaune ont conservé de nombreuses maisons et édifices datant de cette époque, des maisons romanes aux hôtels particuliers du XVIIIe siècle. Le passé de la ville est également étroitement lié à la vie religieuse. Outre la Collégiale Notre-Dame de style roman clunisien datant des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, de nombreuses abbayes et couvents occupent encore une grande partie de l'espace urbain.
  • Aujourd'hui, la plupart des bâtiments appartiennent à des négociants en vins qui ont trouvé un endroit idéal pour stocker leurs vins. L'ordre religieux des Hospitaliers a également laissé son empreinte dans la ville de Beaune, la construction la plus célèbre étant l'Hôtel-Dieu, de style franco-flamand, qui date du XVe siècle. Il existe un deuxième Hôtel-Dieu nommé Hospice de la Charité qui est un bon exemple d'architecture du XVIIe siècle
  • Hôtel-Dieu des Hospices de Beaune
  •                                                                              L'Hôtel-Dieu était un hôpital médiéval qui comportait de vastes salles pour les lits des malades. Fondé en 1443, l'Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune est une construction à deux étages qui occupe trois côtés d'une cour. Dans l'une de ses salles se trouve un musée consacré au grand retable de Rogier Van der Weyden - Le Jugement dernier qui fut commandé par Nicolas Rolin, dernier chancelier des ducs de Bourgogne et constructeur de l'hôpital.
  • L'hôpital a été construit pour venir en aide aux personnes qui avaient souffert de la famine et de la pauvreté après la guerre de Cent Ans. Au fil de votre visite, découvrez la cuisine, la pharmacie et le vaste hall avec ses lits de bois et ses rideaux rouges qui préservent une certaine intimité. Les Hospices sont également célèbres pour la vente aux enchères de vins qu'ils organisent chaque année avec le vin produit à partir des 53 hectares de vignes qui ont été donnés à l'hôpital au fil des siècles. Cette vente de charité a lieu chaque année en novembre.
  • La Basilique Notre Dame
  •                                                                              de Beaune, située sur la route de Jérusalem, était une étape appréciée de tous les pèlerins désireux de se diriger vers la Terre Sainte. Le nombre de pèlerins qui transitent par la ville au XIIe siècle étant considérable, les ducs de Bourgogne décidèrent de construire une église plus grande que celle existante, dédiée à la Vierge Marie. Le début de la construction de la Collégiale Notre Dame remonte à la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle. Le style architectural de la Basilique s'inspire de celui de Cluny. La plus grande fête de la Basilique est de style roman
  • Ce sanctuaire a conservé un riche mobilier allant de l'époque romane au XVIIe siècle. On y trouve également d'importants vestiges de peintures murales du XVe siècle que vous découvrirez au fil de votre visite. Notre-Dame de Beaune est connue dans le monde entier pour ses tapisseries représentant la vie de la Vierge Marie ; elles sont présentées dans le chœur de la basilique.
  • Cet ensemble exceptionnel date du XVIe siècle. Les grands événements de la vie de Marie sont évoqués par scènes successives. Cet ensemble de tapisseries a été restauré par les religieuses de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune en 1852.
  • La Grosse Tour
  •                                                                            de Beaune est une place forte située au cœur de la prestigieuse région viticole de Bourgogne. L'une des quatre tours construites au début du XVIe siècle, elle est décorée côté boulevard des armoiries du gouverneur de Bourgogne, La Trémouille. Elle jouait un rôle de surveillance de la plaine en surveillant la route de Verdun, la Saône toute proche formant la frontière entre le royaume de France et le Saint-Empire romain germanique jusqu'en 1678. 
  • La garde vit ainsi arriver en 1569 les 40 000 Allemands répondant à l'appel de Condé, puis en 1636 l'armée de Gallas qui ravagea, pilla et incendia les faubourgs. Achetée en 1891 par la Maison Calvet de Bordeaux, elle fut utilisée par ce négociant en vins comme prestigieuse salle de dégustation avant d'être acquise par la municipalité. Son toit est aménagé en jardin d'agrément.
  • Dégustation de vins de Bourgogne à Beaune
  •                                                                     Beaune est considérée comme la capitale des vins de Bourgogne. Si vous souhaitez déguster quelques vins dans le cadre de cette visite guidée à pied, il est possible que nous organisions une dégustation dans l'une des nombreuses caves à vin qui se trouvent dans la ville de Beaune. Au cours d'une séance commentée, dégustez quelques-uns des vins rouges et blancs locaux les plus typiques qui ont fait de la Bourgogne une région viticole si célèbre en France.
  • Follow a private guided walking tour with a licensed guide, expert of the town of Beaune. Today, we will come and pick you up at your hotel or accommodation in Beaune. If you are traveling from outside the city, we will pre-program a centrally located meeting point.
  • Meet your English speaking licensed guide who is accredited to conduct guided tours in historical towns, museums and monuments and thanks to the fascinating stories and local anecdotes you will discover Beaune in a fun & informative way.
  • Then, begin your 2-hour guided walking tour in Beaune. Discover how the city was built from the middle ages to the present day and admire the heritage which reminds us of the great Beaune Hours including the Notre Dame Collegiate Church and passing by the ramparts of the city.
  • A bit of History
  • The origin town of Beaune can be dated back to the 1st century BP when the Romans decided to build a fortification that lied at the crossroads between two of their most important ways. One linked the town of Lyon to Trier (Germany) and the other linked the town of Besançon to Autun. The town became prosperous in the 12th century thanks to the wine trade and its urban area expands outside the castle walls, erecting remparts that can be still seen today.
  • The town was at the time the Capital of the Duchy of Burgundy and the first Burgundian Parliament met at Beaune in 1227. During the middle ages, the town then organized itself around three major locations: the market square (that is today Place de la Halle), the Collegiate Church of Notre Dame (the old historical town center) and Place Carnot where the Parish Church used to stand.
  • The streets of Beaune have kept a number of houses and buildings that date back to those days, from Romanesque houses to 18th century private mansions. The town's past is also closely linked with religious life. Other than the Romanesque Clunisien style Collegiate Church of Notre Dame that dates back to the 12th & 13th century, a number of Abbeys and Convents still occupy a large proportion of the urban space.
  • Today, most of the buildings belong to wine merchants who have found an ideal location to store their wines. The Hospitaliers religious order also left their print in the town of Beaune with the most famous construction being the Hôtel-Dieu, built in a Franco-flemish style, and that dates back to the 15th century. There is a second Hôtel-Dieu named Hospice de la Charité that is a good example of 17th century architecture. 
  • Hotel Dieu des Hospices de Beaune
  • The Hôtel-Dieu was a medieval hospital that featured vast halls for beds for the sick. Founded in 1443, the Hôtel-Dieu in Beaune is a two-storied construction that occupies three sides of a courtyard. In one of its wards is a Museum dedicated to Rogier Van der Weyden's great Altarpiece - The Last Judgement that was commissioned by Nicolas Rolin, the last chancellor of the Burgundian Dukes and the hospital's builder.
  • The Hospital was built to help the persons who had suffered from famine and poverty after the Hundred Years War. As you visit, discover the kitchen, the pharmacy and the vast hall with its wooden beds and red curtains that maintain some kind of privacy. The Hospices is also famous for the wine auction it organizes each year with wine produced from 53 hectares of vineyards that were donated to the hospital through the centuries. This Charity Sale is held every year in November.
  • Basilique Notre Dame
  • Beaune, located on the way to Jerusalem, was a popular stop for all the pilgrims wanting to make their way towards the Holy Land. Because the number of pilgrims that pass through the town in the 12th century is considerable, the Dukes of Burgundy decided to build a larger Church than the existing one, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The beginning of the construction of Notre Dame Collegiate Church dates back to the second half of the 12th century. The architectural style of the Basilica was inspired by that of Cluny. The largest part of the Basilica is in the Romanesque style. 
  • This sanctuary has kept rich furniture ranging from the Romanesque period to the 17th century. There are also important remains of 15th century wall paintings that you will discover during your visit. Notre-Dame de Beaune is known worldwide for its tapestries depicting Virgin Mary’s life; they are presented in the Basilica’s Choir.
  • This exceptional collection dates from the 16th century. The major events in Mary’s life are evoked in successive scenes. This set of tapestries was restored by the Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune’s nuns in 1852.
  • Grosse Tour
  • Beaune is a fortified town located in the heart of the prestigious Burgundy wine region. One of the four towers built in the early 16th century, it is decorated on the boulevard side with the coat of arms of the governor of Burgundy, La Trémouille. It played a role in monitoring the plain by watching the Route de Verdun, the nearby Saone forming the frontier between the French kingdom and the Holy Roman Empire until 1678. 
  • Thus the guard saw the arrival in 1569 of the 40,000 Germans answering Condé's call, and then in 1636 the army led by Gallas that ravaged, pillaged and set fire to the faubourgs. Purchased in 1891 by the Maison Calvet from Bordeaux, it was used by this wine merchant as a prestigious tasting room before being acquired by the municipality. Its roof is laid out as a pleasure garden.
  • Wine tasting Burgundy Wine in Beaune
  • Beaune is considered to be the Capital of Burgundy wines. If you would like to taste some wines as part of this guided walking tour, it is possible for us to organize a wine tasting session in one of the numerous wine cellars that are located within the town of Beaune. During a commented session, taste some of the most typical local red and whites wines that have made Burgundy such a famous wine region of France.

Blocked dates
  • 2024-01-01, 2024-05-01, 2024-12-25, 2025-01-01, 2025-05-01, 2025-12-25
  • 2024-01-01, 2024-05-01, 2024-12-25

Version 21 – September 13, 2023 10:36

Current Version
Previous Version

  • Private Tours
  • Walking & Bike Tours

Version 20 – September 13, 2023 10:09

Current Version
Previous Version

  • flexible
  • strict

Version 19 – September 13, 2023 10:03

Current Version
Previous Version

Terms and conditions
  • Please contact us for all our Terms & Conditions
  • All our terms & conditions can be found here: https://www.ophorus.com/terms-sales

  • Beaune Guided Walking Tour (private)
  • Beaune Private Guided Walking Tour with a Licensed Guide

Version 18 – September 13, 2023 10:00

Current Version
Previous Version

Terms and conditions
  • All our terms & conditions can be found here: https://www.ophorus.com/terms-sales
  • Please contact us for all our Terms & Conditions

Version 17 – September 13, 2023 09:54

Current Version
Previous Version

Blocked dates
  • 2024-01-01, 2024-05-01, 2024-12-25

Version 17 – September 13, 2023 09:54

Current Version
Previous Version

Group info
  • We can handle any group size (from 8 people) ranging from small groups to large groups of hundreds of people. Transportation options include private vehicles, mini-vans, mini-buses and large buses.
  • Just get in touch to find out more! Contact us by email: [email protected] (groups from 8 people)
  • For groups of 2-8 people please fill out this form: ophorus.com/contact-us/

Version 16 – September 13, 2023 09:47

Current Version
Previous Version

Cancellation policy
  • custom
  • standard

Cancellation notes
  • Ophorus requires full payment by credit card, internet payment (through our website) or wire transfer (Wire transfer fees at the charge of the Guest) to make a reservation. We accept payment by AMEX, Visa and Master Card. There is no charge or service fee for processing credit card payments except with American Express +3%. For any cancellation, the following fees will be deducted from the refund:
  • > Up to 30 days before the service, 100% refund
  • > From less than 30 days to 15 days before the service, 20% fee
  • > From 14 days to 4 days before the service, 50% fee
  • > From 3 days before the service, 100% fee
  • Up to 24 hours before the beginning of the activity: full refund
  • Less than 24 hours before the beginning of the activity or no-show: no refund

Cancellation cutoff
  • 30
  • 24

Version 15 – September 13, 2023 09:44

Current Version
Previous Version

Booking cutoff
  • 30
  • 72

Version 10 – April 05, 2023 14:23

Current Version
Previous Version

  • strict
  • none

Health items
  • Face masks required for travelers in public areas
  • Face masks required for guides in public areas
  • Face masks provided for travelers
  • Hand sanitizer available to travelers and staff
  • Social distancing enforced throughout experience
  • Regularly sanitized high-traffic areas
  • Gear/equipment sanitized between use
  • Transportation vehicles regularly sanitized
  • Guides required to regularly wash hands
  • Regular temperature checks for staff
  • Temperature checks for travelers upon arrival
  • Paid stay-at-home policy for staff with symptoms
  • Contactless payments for gratuities and add-ons
  • COVID-19 vaccination required for guides
  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination required for travelers
  • Face masks required for travelers in public areas
  • Face masks required for guides in public areas
  • Face masks provided for travelers
  • Hand sanitizer available to travelers and staff
  • Social distancing enforced throughout experience
  • Regularly sanitized high-traffic areas
  • Gear/equipment sanitized between use
  • Transportation vehicles regularly sanitized
  • Guides required to regularly wash hands
  • Regular temperature checks for staff
  • Temperature checks for travelers upon arrival
  • Paid stay-at-home policy for staff with symptoms
  • Contactless payments for gratuities and add-ons
  • COVID-19 vaccination required for guides
  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination required for travelers

  • Walking & Bike Tours

Percent Complete
  • 88.8888888888888889
  • 83.3333333333333333

Version 8 – April 05, 2023 14:21

Current Version
Previous Version

Short Description
  • Follow a private guided walking tour with a licensed guide, expert of the town of Beaune. Today, we will come and pick you up at your hotel or accommodation in Beaune. If you are traveling from outside the city, we will pre-program a centrally located meeting point.
  • Meet your English speaking licensed guide who is accredited to conduct guided tours in historical towns, museums and monuments and thanks to the fascinating stories and local anecdotes you will discover Beaune in a fun & informative way.
  • - 2-hour private guided walking tour of Beaune
  • - Optional visit of the Hospices de Beaune
  • - Optional wine tasting session of Burgundy wines
  • - End the tour in the center of Beaune
  • Follow a private guided walking tour with a licensed guide, expert of the town of Beaune. Today, we will come and pick you up at your hotel or accommodation in Beaune. If you are traveling from outside the city, we will pre-program a centrally located meeting point.
  • Meet your English speaking licensed guide who is accredited to conduct guided tours in historical towns, museums and monuments and thanks to the fascinating stories and local anecdotes you will discover Beaune in a fun & informative way.
  • Meet your guide at your hotel, accommodation or dedicated meeting point in Beaune
  • 2-hour private guided walking tour of Beaune
  • Optional visit of the Hospices de Beaune
  • Optional wine tasting session of Burgundy wines
  • End the tour in the center of Beaune

  • easy paced & flexible tour to include your interests, fun visit, fascinating stories and local anecdotes, optional burgundy wine tasting in a local cellar, private small group only, purchase your tickets to hospices de beaune
  • easy paced & flexible tour to include your interests, fun & informative visit, fascinating stories and local anecdotes, optional burgundy wine tasting in a local cellar, private small group only, purchase your tickets to hospices de beaune directly on our site

Version 7 – April 05, 2023 14:20

Current Version
Previous Version

Short Description
  • Follow a private guided walking tour with a licensed guide, expert of the town of Beaune. Today, we will come and pick you up at your hotel or accommodation in Beaune. If you are traveling from outside the city, we will pre-program a centrally located meeting point.
  • Meet your English speaking licensed guide who is accredited to conduct guided tours in historical towns, museums and monuments and thanks to the fascinating stories and local anecdotes you will discover Beaune in a fun & informative way.
  • Meet your guide at your hotel, accommodation or dedicated meeting point in Beaune
  • 2-hour private guided walking tour of Beaune
  • Optional visit of the Hospices de Beaune
  • Optional wine tasting session of Burgundy wines
  • End the tour in the center of Beaune
  • Follow a 2-hour guided walking tour through the streets of Beaune with your own personal licensed tour guide. Group can be of minimum 2 to maximum 15 persons. You will visit all the landmarks of the town.

Version 3 – January 04, 2022 10:56

Current Version
Previous Version

Percent Complete
  • 83.3333333333333333
  • 77.7777777777777778

Version 1 – January 04, 2022 10:52

Current Version
Previous Version

Booking cutoff
  • 72

  • 2

Know Before You Go
  • group size of 1 to 15 participants maximum, please be ready 10 minutes before arrival time, tour available all year round (except may 1st, dec 25th and jan 1st), tour is operated in english, other languages on request
  • please be ready 10 minutes before arrival time

Know Before You Book
  • this tour is not recommended for persons with reduced mobility, this tour is not wheelchair accessible, tour involves some walking, comfortable walking shoes are recommended

Cancellation policy
  • standard
  • custom

Percent Complete
  • 77.7777777777777778
  • 72.2222222222222222