Autobus irekia San Franciscoko auzo biziak zeharkatzen dituzun bitartean hiriko ikuspegi onenak eskaintzen ditu. Zure bisita Fisherman's Wharf-en hasi, hiriko lekurik bizienetako batean eta Pier 39ko mundu osoan ospetsuak diren itsas lehoien etxean. Bisitaren unerik garrantzitsuena San Franciscoko ikur nagusia den Golden Gate Zubia zeharkatzea da. 1,7 miliako tartea zeharkatzen duzun bitartean, zubiaren, Alcatraz uhartearen eta zeru-lerro ikusgarriaren ikuspegi zoragarriak izango dituzu. Gelditu Golden Gate Parkean munduko hiri-parke handienetako bat esploratzeko. Autobusean bisita osoa egiten baduzu, San Franciscoko gune nagusi guztiak 2 ordutan ikus ditzakezu, baina zure 1 eguneko txartel malguarekin hiria zure erritmoan esploratzeko askatasuna duzu eta autobusetik nahi adina aldiz jaitsi eta igo zaitezke.
The open-top bus provides the best views of the city while you drive along San Francisco's vibrant neighborhoods. Start your tour at Fisherman's Wharf, one of the most vibrant places in the city and home to the world famous sea lions at Pier 39.
The highlight of the tour is the ride across San Francisco's most iconic landmark – the Golden Gate Bridge. While crossing the 1.7-mile span you have breathtaking views of the bridge, Alcatraz Island and the stunning skyline. Stop at Golden Gate Park to explore one of the largest urban parks in the world.
If you stay on the bus for the full tour, you can see all major sites of San Francisco in around 2 hours, but with your flexible 1-day ticket you are free to explore the city at your own pace and hop on and off the bus as often as you like.
1 Eguneko Hop on Hop Off Hiri Tourra. Hasi zure ibilbidea Fisherman's Wharf-en, hiriko lekurik bizienetako batean. Bisitatu Pier 39ko erakargarri zirraragarriak, ikusi itsas lehoi kolonia ezaguna eta ikusi beste hainbat ikuspegi itsasertzean zehar. Goiko alde irekiko autobusak ikuspegi onenak eskaintzen dizkizu Barbary Coast, Embarcadero, Ferry Building, Union Square, City Hall, North Beach, Palace of Fine Arts, Golden Gate Park eta askoz gehiago zeharkatzen dituzun bitartean. Atera argazki bat Chinatown-eko 'Dragon Gates'-en eta probatu haien janari goxoa, edo erosketak egin Union Square-n bere luxuzko dendetan. Egin paseo bat Alamo Square inguruan mundu osoan ezagunak diren Painted Ladies etxe viktoriarrak ikusteko, "Postcard Row" izenez ere ezagunak. Haight Ashbury-n "Summer of Love" garaira itzuliko zara, San Frantziskoko hippie kulturari eskainitako mural koloretsu eta arte ederrez inguratuta. Ibilbidearen puntu nagusia San Frantziskoko ikur nagusia den Golden Gate Zubia zeharkatzea da. Goiko alde irekiko autobusean 1,7 miliako zubia zeharkatzen duzun bitartean, zubiaren, Alcatraz uhartearen eta zeru-lerro ikusgarriaren ikuspegi zoragarriak izango dituzu. Jaitsi zaitez North Vista Point-en zure selfie onena ateratzeko, edo ibili zaitez zubia zeharkatuz badia gainean. Gozatu San Frantziskoko City Hall, Opera House eta Symphony Hall-en ikuspegi bikainak Civic Center inguruan. Ihes egin Golden Gate Park-era munduko parke urbano handienetako bat esploratzeko. Gelditu zaitez bere museo eta erakargarri ezagunetan, California Academy of Sciences, Conservatory of Flowers eta De Young Museum, edo gozatu ibilaldi luzeak, bizikleta bideak, aintzirak, ur-jauziak eta askoz gehiago. Autobusean ibilbide osoa egiten baduzu, San Frantziskoko gune nagusi guztiak 2 ordutan ikus ditzakezu, baina zure 1 eguneko txartel malguarekin hiria zure erritmoan esploratzeko eta autobusetik nahi adina aldiz jaisteko eta igotzeko askatasuna duzu. Audio iruzkinak San Frantziskori buruzko ikuspegi dibertigarri eta informatiboak eskaintzen dizkizu Double Decker autobusaren goiko alde irekiko dekutik ikuspegi harrigarrienak gozatzen dituzun bitartean.
1-Day Hop on Hop Off City Tour
Start your tour at Fisherman's Wharf, one of the most vibrant places in the city. Visit the exciting attractions at Pier 39, watch the popular sea lion colony and see many other sights along the waterfront. The open-top bus gives you the best views while you drive along the Barbary Coast, the Embarcadero, Ferry Building, Union Square, City Hall, North Beach, the Palace of Fine Arts, Golden Gate Park and much more.
Snap a picture of Chinatown's 'Dragon Gates' and try their delicious food, or shop at Union Square in many of its luxury stores. Take a stroll around Alamo Square to see the world-famous Painted Ladies Victorian houses, also known as "Postcard Row". In Haight Ashbury you will be taken back in time to the “Summer of Love”, surrounded by colorful murals and fine art dedicated to San Francisco’s hippie culture.
The highlight of the tour is the ride across San Francisco’s most iconic landmark – the Golden Gate Bridge. While crossing the 1.7-mile span on the open-top bus you will have breathtaking views of the bridge, Alcatraz Island and the stunning skyline. Hop off at North Vista Point to take your best selfie, or walk across the bridge high above the bay.
Enjoy the great views of San Francisco's City Hall, the Opera House and Symphony Hall along the Civic Center. Escape to Golden Gate Park to explore one of the largest urban parks in the world. Stop at its popular museums and attractions, the California Academy of Sciences, the Conservatory of Flowers, and the De Young Museum, or enjoy the long hiking trails, bike paths, lakes, waterfalls, and much more.
If you stay on the bus for the full tour, you can see all major sites of San Francisco in 2 hours, but with your flexible 1-day ticket you are free to explore the city at your own pace and hop on and off the bus as often as you like. The audio commentary provides fun and informative insights about San Francisco while you enjoy the most amazing views from the open top deck of the Double Decker bus.
dibertigarria eta informatiboa den narrazioa hainbat hizkuntzatan, gozatu egun bateko hop on hop off sarbidea hiri ofizialaren ibilbidera , zeharkatu urrezko ateen zubia goiko alde irekia duen autobusean , bisita san frantziskoko erakargarri nagusiak
cross the golden gate bridge on an open top bus, enjoy 1 day hop on hop off access to the official city tour, fun and informative narration in various languages, visit the major attractions of san francisco
dibertigarria eta informatiboa audio iruzkina, sarrera 1 egunetarako baliozkoa , igo eta jaitsi hiri tourra
fun & informative audio commentary , hop-on hop-off city tour, ticket valid for 1 day
aholkuak eta esker onak, hotela jasotzea
hotel pick up, tips and gratuity
Additional Info
Ingelesez, gaztelaniaz, frantsesez, alemanez, italieraz eta portugesez eskuragarri dagoen audio iruzkina.
Audio commentary available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese.
Know Before You Go
ekarri jaka bat, autobusean hotz egin dezakeelako , mugikor-bonua onartua, autobus-bira hau lehenengo iristen denari zerbitzua da
carry a jacket as it can get cold on the bus, mobile voucher accepted, this bus tour is first come first serve
Know Before You Book
doako ezeztapena irteeraren 24 ordu lehenagora arte, sarrera 1 egunetarako baliozkoa , 2 urtetik beherako haurrak doan
children under 2 years of age are free, free cancellation up to 24 hours prior to departure, ticket valid for 1 day
Cancellation notes
Erreserbak posta elektroniko bidez: Doako ezeztapena bisita-egunaren 24 ordu lehenagora arte.\r\nErreserbak API edo lineako atariaren bidez: Doako ezeztapena zure bisita baino lehenago edozein unetan. Bisita-egunaren ondorengo ezeztapenak ez dira itzuliko.
Bookings via Email: Free cancellation up to 24 hours before the tour date.
Bookings via API or Online Portal: Free cancellation any time before your tour. Cancellations after the tour date will be non-refundable.
Voucher info
Mesedez, Skyline Sightseeing-ekin bonu hau baliatu irteera baino gutxienez 24 ordu lehenago, lineako check-in bidez: zure sarrerak berreskuratzeko. Ondoren, edozein geltokitan autobusera igo zaitezke. Lineako check-inarekin arazorik izanez gero, bidali mezu elektroniko bat[email protected] helbidera, edo eraman zure bonua 99 Jefferson Street (Mason St. izkinan) bulegora zure ibilbidea hasteko.
Please redeem this voucher with Skyline Sightseeing at least 24 hours prior to departure by online check-in via: to retrieve your tickets. You can then board the bus at any stop. If there are any issues with online check-in please email[email protected], or take your voucher to the office at 99 Jefferson Street (at the corner of Mason St.) to start your tour.